Born in Düsseldorf (Germany) and living in the city of São Paulo, where he serves as a professor at the School of International Relations of the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV), political analyst Oliver Stuenkel is the first confirmed name for the Mercopar 2022 Brazilian Industry Competitiveness Panel. The event will be held on Thursday (20/10), the third day of the fair, at 15:30, in Espaço Futuro, and will address the challenges of brazilian industry for insertion in global value chains.
With strong experience in research related to international geopolitics and an emphasis on emerging powers such as Brazil, India and China, Stuenkel is a researcher at the Carnegie Endowment in Washington DC and the Institute for Global Public Policy (GPPi) in Berlin, and a columnist for Estadão and Americas Quarterly magazine. In the field of publications, he is the author of works such as BRICS and the Future of the Global Order (Peace and Earth, 2017) and The Postwestern World (Zahar, 2018).