Based on the findings by the Department of Statistics, Malaysia has more than 2,000 established companies involved in the food processing industry with the majority of them are Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs), this sector account for about 10% of Malaysia’s manufacturing output. The processed food contributed around RM 21.76 billion and are exported to more than 200 countries in 2019. The demand for machinery and equipment for the F&B industry is growing with the consumers looking for higher standards and better quality in meeting the requirement of increasing export these days. This is supported by Malaysia status as a market leader for the HALAL food industry worldwide.
The herbal industry in Malaysia has developed from a reliance on traditional application to the development of higher-value products. Rising awareness of implementing herbal products as an alternative to conventional health treatment under the new norm is driving the R&D and government regulations on the herbal industry. Ultimately, Malaysia can become the key global supplier of high-quality indigenous herbs to major T&CM markets in Asia and continue progress towards sustainable and profitable development.